Running Backs
Malik Horton
2times defensive players of the year All state ESPN player Of the Week With 20 Solo Tackles in a Single Game
Isaiah vilaire
Be the best I can with the talent God blessed me with.
Keenan Ja'juan Dillon
I love the game of football, I will do whatever it takes for my team to be successful!! I have a good work ethic! My style of running is north south but I also has the speed to get around the outside. I am a student of the game and in the classroom.
Graylon Lindsey III
First Graduate High School then try to gone on get a good education and try to gp to the NFL
Kavon Dessus
Attend a 4 year university for athletics & majors in engineering. I'm an very good wide receiver who rarely drops passes. I can stop a offense on the defensive end, especially a passing offense & I can also play running back, which I can do damage to a defense as a Wr and RB.
Kavon Dessus
My future goals are to attend a 4 year university for athletics & majors in engineering. I should be Recruited because I can be a threat to a defense & breakdown a defense on the offensive side.
JarQuez Anderson
See if football doesn't work for me I want to attend the army then leave there for college to go major in law and enforcement to become a border control officer.
Riley Doles
I'm dedicated and will do anything to win. Even it a team needs me to play line I'll do it. I'm smart and athletic.My grades and film prove it. Goal is to play football at the college level. I don't have a Youtube film so watch my hudl
Darien Jackson
My future goal is to play college football . Another is to graduate In top 10% of my class . Also to provide my future family with opportunities I didn't receive.
Quad Clemmons
Work hard, very coach able player, always ready to become better. I plan on becoming an Anesthesiologist. Bench: 220 Squat: 370 PC: 225. 40: 4.54
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